
Dallas Roof Repairs

There are serveral types of roof repairs that are very common for residential roofing. The most common is obviously leaking. Sometimes leaks are very obvious to the naked eye, and are dealt with immediately. Sometimes leaks can hide in your attic wall and go unnoticed, and will cause problems in your home later down the road. If you have your roof inspected by a reputable roofing company, you can prevent small leaks turning into a bigger problem. Loose flashing is also an common place where leaks stem from. Flashing is the metal parts that seal the areas around the base of your chimney or vent pipes. If you suspect your roofing system is experiencing leaks, call Alpine Roofing Construction...we will thoroughly investigate your roofing system, and provide you a quote for what we think is the best solution. Alpine Roofing Construction is a highly experience Dallas roofing company, that can handle all of your roofing needs. Call Alpine at 214-528-9897!!

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