
Single-Ply Roofing

If you haven't thought about singly-ply roofing, take out a magnifying glass and take a closer look. Single-ply roofing applications have made a quantum-leap in their technology.

Unlike copper roofing and composite roofing that has no membrane, single-ply's membrane like Hypalon, PVC, EPDM and TPO, is gaining more benefits and moving the "cool" roofing industry in an upward trend. These membrane structures are making energy conservation easy and because of it, you can earn a tax credit of to $1500.

That energy conservation isn't the only great benefits to single-ply, single-ply is also very flexible. Single-ply roofing cost is fairly reasonable and it's easy to install. This is not only true for residential roofing installations, but commercial roofing installations as well.

So how do you know which roofing membrane to choose? Here is a brief overview of the different types of single-ply roofing membranes.

Hypalon is a synthetic rubber. Because of that, hypalon is very durable and resistant to chemicals. Why is that good? Essentially it means that extreme temperatures or the sun’s rays won’t have much of an effect on a hypalon single-ply roof.

PVC is plastic. PVC makes single-ply stronger and resistant to fire. When things start to heat up, PVC won’t buckle!

TPO is a polymer and a mix between alloys and synthetic rubber. This combination makes TPO roofing durable and quick to install.

EPDM is very interesting as well. EPDM is known to be able to handle the weather well and that’s because it is made of a polymer like TPO.

These are the basic elements of single-ply roofing. If the idea of having a long lasting and energy efficient roof appeals to you then contact Alpine Roofing for your roofing estimate today.

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